Before the Big Bang: Gravity, Violence, and the Science of Resistance

The only ridiculously false (supernatural) and potentially dangerous thought (published in all library books) is that "an impossibly mysterious, creative mother labeled 'zero existence' was forcefully self-exploded into all prior and future interactions; yesterday, for doing nothing": 1 photon + 1 photon โ‰  -1 photon. That's all: all general-origin stories ("generalizations", GOS) expand, extend, and resist all zero-origin stories ("false generalizations", ZOS): solar pairs count ones, and gravitational ones count pairs (a.k.a. "1 + 1 original, physical, immortal, diagonal arguments"): ๐Ÿง  #left-pi-triplet๐Ÿง =โœŒ๐Ÿพ

For instance (1+1 โ‰  -1 journalism): I now have as many body sides and temperatures as I have biological parents in a physically-color-blind argument concerning any two watermelon colors:

1 point + 1 point โ‰  -1 point. โ‰  ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿพ โ‰  ๐Ÿ‰