Before the Big Bang: Gravity, Violence, and the Science of Resistance

Chapter Zero: Zero-origin Stories Prioritize An Impossible Force

Pointing the future in general ("generalizing") constantly pretends an impossible force (-1) will both precisely create, and precisely destroy, all gravitationally-coordinated points, one by one: 1 point + 1 point = -1 point.

In other words (inevitably repeating one first law of all thermodynamic pairs): pairs count ones as ones count pairs. For instance: "zero point zero origin" amounts to as many debatable words as my 1+1 (pi-left-triplet) body temperatures have 1+1 diagonal arguments and 1+1 biological grandparents: ✌🏾 + ✌🏾 = 🔢 ≠ -1 point.👈🏾

Even more precisely: general-origin stories (original, bilateral journalisms) constantly expand, extend, and resist zero-origin stories (unilateral, ZOS imaginations) to remain inevitably ridiculous (self-balancing) if not pathologically evil (coercive violence disorder). In precisely practical terms (now): pretending "zero existence via minus one" minimizes the gravitational risk of being exploded into smaller physical pieces, like molecules of water (H2O ≠ -1) and oxygen (1+1 oxygen ≠ -1 photon).

Review ("generalizing" a.k.a. "abbreviating"): the will to survive leads and follows an infinitely unique (left-pi-triplet) pattern as is precisely expandable, extendable, and resistable: "stop now". That is: all 1+1 health care requests (+1 HCR ≠ -1 point) will have been as we are now evolving: physically, biologically, mathematically, scientifically, and ethically; in immortal, immediate, #MSF-contrast to violent groups of illiterate male supremacists (capitalism): "-1 you = +1 fiction."